Useful And Unique Sites
In the digital marketing space, you have to read and learn a lot, otherwise your skills will get dated and have a short shelf life. I enjoy reading content from all of these sources and turn to them for learning and information.
If you’d like to be listed here, contact me and I’ll review your content.
Google Analytics
- Justin Cutroni is the Analytics evangelist for Google – it’s harder to find someone more evangelical about Analytics. His site is packed with interesting ideas and solutions, such as setting up Content Groups and Advanced Content Tracking in Google Analytics.
- Avinash Kaushik is the Digital Marketing evangelist for Google and has a lot of passion about Analytics. I saw him speak at SES Chicago and he’s a fantastic speaker, as well as the author of Web Analytics 2.0 and Web Analytics: An Hour A Day.
Google Tag Manager
- Simo Ahava has a tremendous site and is a fantastic resource for learning about Google Tag Manager. When I was learning Google Tag Manager and experimenting, I found his Weather Data post and Fun With Google Tag Manager Part 1 and Part 2 to be very illuminating.
Internet Marketing
- SEER Interactive’s blog has some great content about a lot of things – analytics, marketing, SEO, PPC, Content. I find a lot of their blog posts to be very useful.
- Moz is a company that’s well-regarded in the digital space, and they have a lot of content and are pretty authoritative; it’s hard to go wrong with what they publish.
- ConversionXL’s blog is another good resource which pushes testing, and focusing on the ultimate online goal – conversions.
- Marketing Charts is a great resource for gathering useful information about anything!
- SEO Book’s blog is mostly about SEO, but also has lots of good resources and content for marketers, analytics, and designers.
- Emailmonday talks a ton about email marketing tips, and this post on mobile email usage statistics is up-to-date and very informative – super useful for presentations and blogs!
Research, Trends, News
- Baymard conducts research and discusses trends on large e-commerce sites. Fantastic research and always shareable. Be sure to check out their Form Field Usability study and Limitations When Designing For Mobile.
- Smashing Magazine has a lot of inspiring tutorials, not necessarily about marketing or analytics, but about web development and is a site I read constantly.
- Tuts+ puts out some fun projects and tutorials that help expand skillsets, such as code, photography, web design, business and more.
- A List Apart is mostly for designers, however, they have some useful content for marketers and analytics alike